Instrument reprocessing from a one-stop provider: Experience the MELAG Hygiene World for disinfection and sterilization of ophthalmic instruments in practice and clinic.
The integrated MELAG system solution provides effective instrument decontamination processes in conjunction with reliable Quality made in Germany.
The automatic cleaning and disinfection with the washer-disinfector and autoclave offer maximum safety for patients as well as practice and clinic assistants in ophthalmologic context. Using the IMES-System by W2O permits the decontamination of ophthalmic instruments. Additionally, the integrated active drying protects your instruments against corrosion and damage.
The batch documentation of important parameters is ensured via CF-Card or two network-interfaces. MELAtrace completes the documentation and approval procedure. Every process step from disinfection to sterilization is easily recorded and documented in MELAtrace.
Instrument decontamination in ophthalmology and cataract surgery with MELAG & IMES high quality products. Learn more: